Times of Worship

9:30 am Bible Study
10:30 am Morning Worship
6:00 pm Evening Worship

7:30 pm Bible Study

Directions to Building

If coming from Columbus on Hwy 82, take the US 19 bypass around Albany and get off at the Jefferson Street exit. Turn left at the light and then at the next light, take a right onto Philema Road. You will go approximately 5 miles. When the road turns into a two lane, you will veer left and the church building will be on the right.

If you are traveling on I-75 coming from Macon for Valdosta, you will want to take the Albany exit which is Hwy 300. You will pass through Warwick then Oakfield. Once past Oakfield you will come to a yellow caution light, turn right on 32 and go approximately 5 miles to another yellow caution light. You will want to turn left at this light which will put you on Philema Road. Travel approximately 7 miles. Church building will be on the left. If you have gone from a two lane road to a four lane road, you’ve gone too far.

Coming from Moultrie or Thomasville, take US 19 north to the Jefferson Street exit. Veer right before going over overpass, then merge onto Jefferson Street and take a right at the traffic light. You are now on Philema Road and you will travel approximately 5 miles. The building is on the right once you go from a four lane to a two lane and begin to make a curve to the left.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Doing Your Part In Doing What Is Right

Doing what is right is on most people's agenda for any given day. Of course there are those who have determined to upset the status quo by doing what is wrong. We don't want to go there this morning. Instead we want to talk about doing what is right. In doing so, we have to consider others in the equation, just as Jesus did. We know that in John 17 Jesus prayed for unity and we truly should be seeking to know what this unity is and why it is so important. It definitely has to do with doing what is right in the sight of God.

Let's first take a look at what Paul says about keeping unity in Ephesians 4:1-3. I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to have a walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. We, as Christians, are urged to live the moral and spiritual life which is characteristic of true religion. We are to be united! The things that unite Christians are the one body, the one Spirit, the one hope, the one Lord, the one faith, the one baptism, and the one God and Father who is over all. Christians grow to be full-grown when they are involved in the work of the church. We all have different abilities, but we all have ability to work in the church.

When it comes to God's word we definitely want to be following it as closely as possible. Of course none of us know everything about God but we should be trying our best to know what He requires of us to live a successful and joy filled life in Christ Jesus. In order for this to happen, we sometimes need the help of others who have learned truths that we are now ignorant of and need a push in the right direction so we will not remain ignorant. This is remnant of the Ethiopian eunuch who needed the help of Philip to understand his reading of the scriptures from Isaiah 53. Once he was taught the meaning, he went on his way rejoicing and now an Ethiopian Christian (Acts 8:31, 39). It is simply amazing how the truth of God's word can help us do our part in doing what is right. If we were to keep all these truths to ourselves, we would be doing a grave injustice to our fellow man.

Can we now see how important Bible studies can be to assist us in doing good. If we continue to assemble with believers (Heb. 10:25), we will more than likely stay in the Word and continue to do what is good and acceptable in the sight of God (Rom. 12:2). Of course if we choose to leave the company of believers and allow ourselves to get back into the world, expect bad things to happen. Staying in close contact with those who believe like you, worship like you, have compassion like you and are convicted like you, will help you do your part in doing what is right. Make sense? Absolutely!
We should all be encouraging each other to do our part in doing what is good. God wants what is best for us, therefore we should be seeking to do those things which are pleasing to Him. Reading God's word, as well as reading devotionals, on a daily basis are excellent ways in seeking out what you should be doing to aid you in staying on the path leading to the straight and narrow gate which will lead you to eternal life (Matt. 7:14). Since so many are choosing to travel the broad way leading to destruction, we can clearly see the need for us to do what is right. Just remember that we will reap what we sow (Gal. 6:7). Let's make sure we sow to the Spirit so to the Spirit we will reap eternal life (Gal. 6:8b).

Paul further encourages us to do our part in doing good by saying this, Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith (Gal. 6:10). Are you doing your part? If not, why not? This morning we will learn how to determine if we've done our part where baptism is concerned. There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death (Prov. 14:12). Do right and no worries!

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