Times of Worship

9:30 am Bible Study
10:30 am Morning Worship
6:00 pm Evening Worship

7:30 pm Bible Study

Directions to Building

If coming from Columbus on Hwy 82, take the US 19 bypass around Albany and get off at the Jefferson Street exit. Turn left at the light and then at the next light, take a right onto Philema Road. You will go approximately 5 miles. When the road turns into a two lane, you will veer left and the church building will be on the right.

If you are traveling on I-75 coming from Macon for Valdosta, you will want to take the Albany exit which is Hwy 300. You will pass through Warwick then Oakfield. Once past Oakfield you will come to a yellow caution light, turn right on 32 and go approximately 5 miles to another yellow caution light. You will want to turn left at this light which will put you on Philema Road. Travel approximately 7 miles. Church building will be on the left. If you have gone from a two lane road to a four lane road, you’ve gone too far.

Coming from Moultrie or Thomasville, take US 19 north to the Jefferson Street exit. Veer right before going over overpass, then merge onto Jefferson Street and take a right at the traffic light. You are now on Philema Road and you will travel approximately 5 miles. The building is on the right once you go from a four lane to a two lane and begin to make a curve to the left.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

There's Only One Road

We can all agree that life is a journey and during this journey we travel down many roads. These roads have led us to much happiness, as well as to much sadness. We have traveled the road of disappointment and satisfaction. We have even ducked into some ally ways along our journeys to escape being noticed 
What ever roads we've been on in this life will eventually lead to dead ends. When we arrive at a dead end we have no choice but to turn around. Unfortunately some people are looking for the dead end in their lives because they do not think there are any more turn arounds. How sad, but true. These people have become very disappointed with their lives and do not see any future happiness. Many times these dead ends result in fatal decisions being made and relatives being notified. This shouldn't be!

People are also confused when it comes to the spiritual road they should be on. The reason being is that they are told by others that there are many roads leading to eternal life. Instead of searching the Holy Scriptures to see if this information is correct, they just agree with their minister, pastor, priest, reverand, bishop, etc. Talk about dead ends! If we search the scriptures and know that our God is not the author of confusion but one of peace (1 Cor. 14:33), then we will quickly realize that there is only ONE road that leads to eternal life in the heavenly kingdom.

Some would say that when Jesus made the statement, “I am the vine, you are the branches...” (John 15:5a), He was making reference to many bodies or churches. If we back up a bit and re-read beginning in Chapter 13 verse 1, we discover that Jesus is with His disciples and sharing with them of His upcoming departure (vs. 31-35). He then tells of Peter's denial (vs. 36-38) before comforting the disciples in Chapter 14:1-4. When we finally get to Chapter 15:5a, He is still conversing with His disciples so the branches are individuals, not different congregations. Remember also that His church He promised to build in Matthew 16:18 was not even established yet (Acts 2:38). Taking all of this scripture into account we can easily surmise that there would only be one church and one road still leading to that eternal home.

So, is it possible that a person that wants to end up in heaven, they would have to be added to the church that Jesus said He would build? Absolutely! Is the church He built in the first century findable today? Good question! Again we need to go to the Holy Scriptures to find the answer. Matthew 7:13 refers to two gates. One is narrow and one is broad. So in order to get to either of these gates an individual has to be traveling down a road. We can refer to these roads as Plan A and Plan B. Plan A is the road leading to the narrow gate and to eternal life. Here we find the way very difficult and few finding it. Plan B on the other hand is the broad. It is very congested and many are traveling this path. The problem with traveling this route is that it leads to destruction.

Life can be very confusing at times. It can seem like we are going in circles or the roads are so many that we just don't know which one to travel down. Don't be misled! The Bible is very clear that the road you want to seek and travel on is the one leading to the narrow gate and life everlasting. This is the same road that Jesus will be returning on to receive His bride the church. Are you a part of that body He established on Pentecost in 33 AD? Will you be with the number that Christ takes to the Father? If not, you can be and should be. Study the book of Acts to see if you are part of the Lord's body or if you have been deceived and you are part of man's church. Make sure!

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